Leading From Within - an Exploration of Mindful Movement: Saturday Workshop with Rosalie Dores

10:00 am
4:00 pm
1 Day Workshop
Rosalie Dores
Facilitator's Profile
Online, via Zoom
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Mindful Movement – Leading From Within

With Rosalie Dores M.A..  Interpersonal Mindfulness & Mindfulness Trainer & Supervisor.  www.optimalliving.co.uk

Suitable for:

mindfulness teachers and teacher trainees.  This workshop will also be helpful to yoga and movement teachers who are interested in bringing more mindfulness into their teaching.  

Course Outline:

During this day-long workshop, we will enquire, theoretically and experientially, into the role of mindful movement in mindfulness-based approaches. 

Participants will be supported:
- in deepening their personal understanding of why movement is important and
- in teaching movement with confidence and with integrity.

Structure of the Day:

3 x 1.5 hour sessions: 10 -11.30am

12 – 1.30pm


There will be mindful movement, discussion and teaching elements in each of the 3 sessions.  Please make sure you have space and privacy to practice mindful movement.

More Information:

Read more about Rosie’s approach:


Rosalie Dores

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Rosalie Dores

Rosalie Dores is a mindfulness teacher, supervisor and trainer. She teaches Mindfulness and Interpersonal Mindfulness courses to the general public in London and she teaches workshops and courses within organisations and contributes to mindfulness teacher trainings across Europe.  

In 2011 she completed a five-year master’s degree in Teaching Mindfulness Based Approaches (with distinction) at Bangor University and she also holds a  Certificate of Teacher Competency from Bangor.  She is trained to teach the eight-week Interpersonal Mindfulness Programme developed by the University of Massachusetts and The Metta Foundation.  She is also an Insight Dialogue Retreat Teacher, under the guidance of the Insight Dialogue community in the US.  She has completed training in the assessment of mindfulness teachers using the MBI:TAC (Teacher Assessment Criteria) and is trained as a mentor for new teachers.

In 2010 she joined the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University as an Associate Teacher.  

Rosalie has sustained a meditation and yoga practice since 1992 and has taught Yoga since 2005.   She is keen to support others in experiencing the benefits of committed practice. 

Rosalie is actively involved in the meditation community, in study and practice, and regularly attends solitary and interpersonal meditation retreats. She follows the UK Network for Mindfulness Teachers Guidelines for Good Practice.