What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy is a profession concerned with promoting people’s health and well-being through occupation or “doing”. We provide practical support, and build people’s confidence and skills so that they can do the things they need to be able to do, or want to be able to do which may include:

  • Looking after yourself and daily routines
  • Being productive in your work or studies
  • Leisure or hobbies – enjoying your life, pursuing interests and being with others.

We specialise in working with Neurodiversity and Mental Health difficulties in adults and young people.

Why choose Occupational Therapy, and who is it for?

We support adults and young people from age13, who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health. Sometimes people come to occupational therapy because of functional difficulties that are as a result of low mood, depression, ADHD, ASD, worry, anxiety, stress, mood disorders, eating disorders, stress due to life/relationship changes. However you do not need a formal diagnosis to access support.

Occupational therapy focuses on using evidence based practical mental health interventions to get you closer to how you want to be functioning in your life.

Find more information on how our Occupational Therapy services can help you:

OT for AdultsOT for Young PeopleOT for Adults with ADHD